Production year: 2005 – Duration: 45 minutes

Dreams are a part of our life. So, what is a dream and how should the dreams be interpreted? This documentary is on issues such as the significance of dreams and the things the dreamer should do. Interesting dreams are also available in this documentary which shows the famous dreams, famous dreams that came alive, famous dreams see by prophets, intellectuals and famous people and the interpretation of historical dreams.

Dream of Prophet Yusuf (A.S), Dream of Pharaoh, Dream of Mübedan, Dream of Abdullah B. Zeyd (R.A.) about his first recitation of Azan-i Muhammad, Abdullah B. Mugaffel (R.A), Dream of Abdullah B. Selam (R.A.), Dream of Abu Ishak Ibrahim Al-Harbi (R.A.)…
Dream of Cuneyd-i-Baghdadi
Dream of Cafer El-Huldi
Dream about Imam Malik (R.A.)
Dream of İmam Busuri
Dreams of the Ottoman Sultans
Dream of Osman Gazi
Dream of Yavuz Sultan Selim
Dream of Abdulhakim Arvasi
Dream of Said-i Nursi
Dream of İskilipli Atıf Hoca